Thursday, August 23, 2007

Have a great day.


MsCrimmins said...

Hi, Carol! Writing with brevity isn't a problem for most of my kids, but I think this would by very motivational for a couple of stragglers (who then might not write with their accustomed extreme brevity).

MsCrimmins said...

Hello again. In my 5th grade regular ed class I used a back-and-forth journal to encourage kids to see writing as something worthwhile, and also to learn about their private lives. There must be some way to post comments readable only by the blogmaster.

~C said...

I'd say so and more fun. The typing will be the tough part - finding those letters.

Foster said...

With any luck at all, some of the kids you pick up this year will have had 2 years of typing practice in computer lab with Mo. I ask her to start each of my classes with 10 minutes of keyboard work so the kids know about "home" keys, and actually practice lessons. It's been really productive, and they at least hunt and peck with 2 hands and usually more than that! BTW, I had a good, but unusually tiring summer at camp. Thanks for asking.


I like the thought of the journal as an insulator for a students thoughts. It allows them to put a little distance between themselves and their thoughts, and gives (some of) them some much needed comfort zone.